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Our how-to guide covers the five areas that will give the most “bang for the buck”. These will eliminate up to 90% of employee theft, possibly more!



The old saying “we often hire many of our problems” is truer today than it’s ever been, so hiring “correctly” is very important. We chose to cover this first in case you are getting ready to hire or already in the process. We cover all of the necessary steps in the process in order to identify not just the most honest candidates but the overall best and most honest ones. You always need to perform all of these steps, no matter how or where you find potential employees.


The hiring process takes time and energy and is something most doctors don’t look forward to. However hiring correctly will result in better employees and less turnover, so it is definitely worth the effort.

Also, in this section we cover:

  • The clause that needs to be included in all advertising for an open position

  • What red flags to look for in resumes

  • Other actions to take prior to scheduling interviews

  • The clause that needs to be printed on your application form or on an attached sheet

  • The proper use of “release of information” and waiver forms that should be signed by applicants at the time of interviews

  • What screenings and background checks to perform on your top choice after they have signed a conditional job offer

As a bonus, we also include suggestions on how to avoid needing to “hire in a hurry”, a situation that doctors find themselves in occasionally and that often leads to trouble.

On a personal note I once did this with a near-disastrous result. If not for a lucky coincidence, I would not have known that I had hired a “professional” serial embezzler, a woman who had essentially made a career of embezzling.


Every medical office needs some method for anonymous reporting of employee theft and misbehavior. This allows other employees, patients, or anyone else that interacts with the office to report problems without fear of discovery or retaliation. Almost half of all thefts in medical offices are discovered by a tip, three times as many as any other way, and the majority of tips come from other employees. Studies have repeatedly shown that honest employees are angered by theft perpetrated by coworkers and are more than willing to report it if a secure avenue is available. We explain the process of establishing a tipline in your office.



Most medical offices will suffer much greater financial losses from internal threats than from external ones. We explain how to use your security system, in conjunction with video surveillance, to not only protect against external threats such as vandalism and break-ins, but also against the more costly internal threats of employee theft and other misbehaviors. We cover the legalities involved, what equipment is best, how to use it, and how to handle this with employees. These two measures, a proper security and surveillance system coupled with a reporting tipline, provide a 24/7/365 wall of protection for your practice.



Next, we cover some financial procedures and reviews that should be incorporated into your normal office routine. These help in both detection and prevention of theft, and are designed to make sure all of the money your office is generating makes it to your bank account!




There are certain behaviors and actions that are frequently demonstrated by employees who are stealing. Some of these you might guess, but others are very specific and surprising. About 85% of employees that are stealing will show at least one of these behaviors, and often more than one. Once you are aware of what behaviors to watch for, when an employee demonstrates them you will notice immediately, and then can take steps to protect yourself.

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