About Us
Hello and thank you for visiting our website. We are Jim and Robin Hull and together we created Embezzle-Proof Practice.
Jim Hull
I spent 25 years in the medical field, the last 20 years of it in private practice. During that time I was embezzled from several times. In one instance I dismissed the offending employee, with no further actions or consequences. In the other situations that I was aware of, I did not address the problem at all. Looking back, I’m not quite sure why I did nothing. Possibly it was just to avoid confrontation, or maybe not wanting to cause a disruption in the office, or just hoping that the embezzler would stop what they were doing. Most likely though it was just not knowing what to do.* Since then I have learned that every other member of my family who is or was in the medical field has been embezzled. That is why I decided to address the problem and develop a system to combat it. I certainly wish this program had been available when I was in practice to give me some guidance in what to do to prevent and resolve embezzlement.
* I should mention that Robin and I got married after I retired. I'm sure as a CPA who had experience with fraud and employee theft, she would not have been content to just ignore the problem.
Robin Hull
I am a CPA and I also have an MBA degree. For the first 17 years of my career I worked for several large corporations in different capacities. Several of the positions that I held were:
Corporate Accounting Manager for an international chemical manufacturing company
IT Manager for a large-scale gas transmission company
Controller for an independent coal producer
On multiple occasions during this time, I dealt with fraud and employee theft in the corporate setting.
For the last 20+ years I have worked primarily with small businesses. Most recently I have done volunteer work helping medical students and new doctors with financial planning and other financial matters. This experience made me realize that, as might be expected, most doctors have a limited knowledge of finance and business. This makes them susceptible to fraud and embezzlement.
In addition to creating the Embezzle-Proof Practice, we also developed an interest in green construction, which resulted in us constructing a townhouse development where we still reside. This development was the first certified green construction project in our state. In our free time, we enjoy hiking and biking and just being outdoors.